CMPB D&D 2006

Just attended CMPB's annual Dinner and Dance at Amara Hotel on 24 NOV. Here are some kodak moments...

.... closer friends at the workplace

... Joel Tan rushing into the picture

.... was told to join in this pic on my to the toilet

.... the whole family for '06.

Work work....

My seven-week break finally came to an end this thursday.... so it's back to work at CMPB. Felt like I'm dragging my feet there that morning.... I was so sleepy after getting used to sleeping until 9 everyday.

It had been a good week, but a hectic one as usual. On my return, I was greeted with lotsa welcome and warming smiles from my colleagues, and of course, much scrutiny on my left eye.

So it's 4 more weeks and counting... to ORD!

Anointed = 'Always right'?

Found this article from Yahoo...

`Superstar' pastors pose challenge
By RACHEL ZOLL, AP Religion Writer

Pastor Ted's influence was felt everywhere in New Life Church: in the videos shown at worship; in the New Life bookstore, which stocked books he recommended; and in the story of the church itself. He started New Life in his basement, building it into a 14,000-member nationally known megachurch. As the Rev. Ted Haggard's fortunes rose, so did the church's.

So when Haggard fell spectacularly from grace in a scandal involving drugs and allegations of gay sex, many wondered if New Life, so tied to his public persona, would crash with him.

The answer has significance far beyond the Haggard tragedy. As evangelical megachurches have sprung up around the country, concerns have grown over whether superstar pastors help or hurt faith communities.

"When you get to these top 25 or 50 of the largest or most influential churches, these pastors are clearly celebrities. They were the founders, they created much of the growth and they are, in some sense, a brand in and of themselves," said Scott Thumma, a professor at Hartford Seminary in Connecticut, who specializes in studying megachurches. "It's just like a business where the name of the founder is, in fact, a trademark."

America has always had big-name preachers — from Billy Sunday, the pro baseball player-turned-evangelist, to Billy Graham. But the two were not closely tied to a single church. Among today's best-known pastors, Rick Warren has Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif., Joel Osteen has Lakewood Church in Houston and Bishop T.D. Jakes has The Potter's House in Dallas.

Graham and Sunday also worked in a vastly different media environment. Modern-day celebrity pastors have Web sites, where they promote their books, along with the DVDs, TV shows and films they produce, while preaching internationally. With such high profiles, word of any wrongdoing will spread quickly, intensifying the damage to them and their congregations.

Haggard felt the impact firsthand last week. On Nov. 2, Mike Jones of Denver came forward saying he had drug-fueled homosexual trysts regularly with Haggard over the last few years.

The claims spread through the Internet, where they were placed side-by-side with video and past news articles in which Haggard had condemned gay marriage and had presented his family life, with wife Gayle and their five children, as a model.

Haggard, 50, immediately resigned as president of the National Association of Evangelicals, an umbrella group for about 45,000 conservative churches, and within days was fired by New Life in Colorado Springs, Colo. In a letter read Sunday at New Life services, he did not address the specifics of Jones' claims, but confessed he was guilty of "sexual immorality."

New Life's reaction was swift — yet most megachurches don't have such effective oversight. Many have boards stacked with relatives, friends, personal lawyers and hangers-on who wouldn't dare contradict the pastor, said Bill Martin, a Rice University expert on evangelicals.

Nearly all megachurches are independent from a denomination — an asset for their flexibility, but a liability when it comes to checks on power. By contrast, mainline Protestant denominations vet clergy credentials and have elaborate systems of church tribunals, similar to civil courts, that discipline errant ministers.

"The pitfall with the megachurches, the personality driven churches, is it's so easy for a person to consider him- or herself above accountability," Martin said. "If that accountability is absent or reduced, then trouble is on the way."

Some megachurch pastors are aware of the risk. They allow independent audits of their finances and have elaborate rules meant to minimize any chance of sex scandal. For example, some only allow male staff members to counsel women if someone else is in the room or if the door is open. And in a highly unusual practice for pastors, Warren, who has sold millions of copies of his book "The Purpose Driven Life," gives 90 percent of his income to the church.

"Money is a difficult issue with megachurch pastors," Thumma said. "They're accused all the time of fleecing their flocks and using that money to buy fancy cars and homes when their members have less."

With Haggard gone and the crisis he created easing, New Life members face a different challenge: They must decide whether they wish to belong to a church without the charismatic leader.

Nancy Ammerman, a Boston University sociologist who researches congregational life, said the megachurch might be saved by its extensive programs that create social groups within the church. New Life uses the small group model, where churchgoers meet regularly with just a few others, sometimes based on common interests outside of worship.

"That also gives them a forum within which to deal with what happened," Ammerman said.

But Randall Balmer, a Barnard College historian of American religion, said megachurches are so wrapped up with their pastor that New Life inevitably has hard times ahead. Without any creed or denominational identity for the church to cling to, attendance will eventually drop by half or more, he predicted.

"You have a kind of cult of personality that confuses the faith with a particular individual," said Balmer, author of "Thy Kingdom Come: How the Religious Right Distorts the Faith and Threatens America." "I just think it's very difficult to recover from this sort of thing."

.... My point of view: I guess we can't really say that the religlious leaders we respect today will stand by what they preach tomorrow. Humans are fallible creatures aren't we? So who or what do we look to when we question the reason for our existence? - Scriptures that are penned in the hands of man? Or the claims of divine encounters from the tongues of man?

But so long as life goes on, the search for indivivual enlightenment and fulfilment continues...


This is for all who need a little push, and all taking their Os and As....

The Story of 2 Frogs

Two young frogs fell into a bucket of milk. Both tried to jump to freedom, but the sides of the bucket were steep and no foundation was to be had on the surface of the liquid.

Seeing little chance of escape, the first frog soon despaired and stopped jumping. After a short while he sunk to the bottom of the bucket and drowned.

The second frog also saw no likelihood of success, but he never stopped trying. Even though each jump seemed to reach the same inadequate height, he kept on struggling. Eventually, his persistent efforts churned some milk into butter. From the now hardened surface of the milk, he managed to leap out of the bucket.

The moral of this little inspiring story: Those who don't give up and persevere may be in for a pleasant surprise!

"National Slavery"?

Hi ppl... I know, it's been a while since I last posted something. Must have been four weeks? OK, I'll try to be more prolific, I promise.

Alright, you might wonder what's with the title... Well, I was on a bus ride home after a photo shoot at CMPB today. (No, I am not modelling haha... perhaps maybe until I achieve something admirable in my gym routine?) The photo session was to commemorate the service of those who gave up 2 precious years to serve the nation...(for my case, I literally 'served' in the service line).

For many, 2 years is indeed a heavy price to pay to keep our pink IC - my sentiments too. A friend even coined the term "National Slavery" for NS. I think I consider myself more fortunate then some. My vocation as a medic has exposed me a wealth of knowledge that I wouldn't have otherwise. In the little radiological department housed in CMPB, I got to learn the invaluable skills of taking X-rays and reading them; I've befriend many from varied backgrounds and visited their world so alien to my own; It's like a first-hand experience of what a future workplace is like - with all its disgreements, politics, teamwork.

Hey, so you might ask - "What about being a man?" So medics aren't 'man' enough? Hmm, I do agree that the definition of manhood and masculinity doesn't seem complete with adrogenic qualities such bulging muscles, superhuman endurance. But that's just the physical aspect. Well, sitting in an office from eight-five isn't gonna build the 6-packs... you might realised that the combination of the 6 to form a bulge after a while. OK, my point is, it's the holistic development of one's character that counts. Qualities such honesty, leadership, team-spirit, responsibilty, patriotism and discipline can also be nurtured in a setting outside a battle training field.

For me, my NS experience didn't really stop at CMPB. I spent time going out with my colleagues, gave tuitions, went to the gym faithfully. I guess how you make use for personal development during the 2-year term decides how 'man' you can be.

William Hung in-the-making?

"Oh no! Sh*t!", I shouted in my head when I saw the message Alex sent me that morning. It was just the break of dawn. My eyes almost burst out of the sockets in disbelief. They wanted me to SING during the coming Annual CMPB Dinner and Dance, to be held at Amara Hotel.

Aiyoz..How am I going to do it? Er.. I tremble and stutter on stage (that's from my experience in secondary school when I had to narrate a class play on teacher's day concert) I don't have a fantastic singing voice (not like those lead singers in my secondary school choir), although I am not tone-deaf. The Commander, COs (commanding officers), Branch Heads, will all be present! What if I zao xia (hokkien for go off-pitch). Will I be teased if I do badly? All these were the concerns when the facts settled in... I don't think I have a choice, do I?

What can I sing? Mandarin or english? Which genre? What will suit my vocal range? How am I going to represent myself? Am I thinking too much? Should I just take it easy, and switch to a happy-go-lucky mood? No... I don't want to be CMPB's infamous William Hung...

Help! What song is good? Tag your thoughts people!

NEW Workout Plans

The long MC that I am currently on is killing me! I have been grounded (even more so due to the escalating PSI figures) for 3 weeks so far. That means 3 more weeks more before I can stretch my limbs again...

Well, for those who don't really know. I have started to workout religiously for the past few months to gain some body mass. For the past 2 months I have been following a 4 day work-week weight training routine hoping to put on muscle mass. Things went pretty smoothly until I went for the Squint Surgery. I must say the trainings are tough and costly, considering the amout of time and money (such as gym entrance fees and nutritional supplements) I had to invest in to see gains.

Why did I start working out? There are 2 reasons - dissatifaction, and family/peer pressure. Technically, I belong to a group called Ectomorphs. There are 3 diffrent classifications - mesomorph (the muscular ones), endomorphs (fats ones), ectomorphs (skinny ones). Like me, some common traits of ectomorphs are: high metabolic rates, long limbs, small rib cage. Ectoomorphs have little inherent ability to build muscle and hardly store up fats, leading to skinny frames. My body mass index (BMI) was 16.0 (2.0 below the acceptable value) when I first started out - that classifies me under "poor physique" category. I needed a change man!

OK... I've drawn up a new lifitng plan which I thought I can post here....

Mondays and Thurdays

Machine Abdominal Crunches ( 3 Sets)
Obliques Crunches (2 Sets)
Tricep Extensions (3 Sets)
Reverse Barbell Curls (3 Sets)
Seated Cable Rows (Middle Back) (3 Sets)
Lats Pull Down (3 Sets)
Calf Press ( 3 Sets)

Tuesdays and Fridays

Flat Bench Press (3 Sets)
Inclined Bench Press (2 Sets)
10 Degrees Flys (2 Sets)
Seated Military Press with Smith Machine (4 Sets)
Upright Barbell Rows (3 Sets)
Barbell Curls (3 Sets)
Squats (3 Sets)
Deadlifts (3 Sets)
Leg Press (3 Sets)

If you are looking for bodybuilding resources, I recommend Hehe...hopefully no more skinny joel soon :)

Love Letters 101 (REJECTED)

My Dear Love,

Yesterday, I was passing by your rectangular house in trigonometric lane. There I saw you with your cute circular face, conical nose and spherical eyes, standing in your triangular garden. Before seeing you, my heart was a null set, but when a vector of magnitude (likeness) from your eyes at a deviation of theta radians made a tangent to my heart, it differentiated.

My love for you is a quadratic equation with real roots, which only you can solve by making good binary relation with me. The cosine of my love for you extends to infinity. I promise that I should not resolve you into partial functions. But if I do so, you can integrate me by applying the limits from zero to infinity.You are as essential to me as an element to a set. The geometry of my life revolves around your acute personality.

My love, if you do not meet me at parabola restaurant on date 10 at sunset, when the sun is making an angle of 160 degrees, my heart would be like a solved polynomial of degree 10. With love from your higher order derivatives of maxima and minima, of an unknown function.

Yours ever loving,

The Pharmacist

I was surfing the net at home, trying to kill some time when I stumbled upon this. Enjoy! =)


A girl asks her boyfriend, to come over to her place on friday night for a have dinner with her parents. Since this is such a big event, the girl announced to her boyfriend that after dinner, she would like to go out and make love for the first time.

Well, the boy is ecstatic, but he has never had sex before, so he takes a trip to the pharmacist to get some condoms. The pharmacist helps the boy for about an hour. He tells the boy everything there is to know about condoms and sex. At the counter, the pharmacist asks the boy how many condoms he'd like to buy: a 3-pack, 10-pack, or a family pack. I'm really going to give it to this girl, the boy tells the pharmacist. I intend to go for hours and hours. The pharmacist, with a laugh, suggests the family pack, saying the boy will be rather busy, it being his first time and all.

That night, the boy shows up at the girl's house and met his girlfriend at the door. "Oh I'm so excited for you to meet my parents, come on in," the girl ushered his boyfriend into the house. The boy goes inside and is taken to the dinner table where the girls parents are seated. The boy quickly offers to say grace and bows his head. A minute passes, and the boy is still deep in prayer with his head down. 10 minutes passes and still there is no movement from the boy. Finally, after 20 minutes with his head down, the girlfriend finally leans over and whispers to the boyfriend, I had no idea you were this religious. The boy turns, and whispers back, I had no idea your father was a pharmacist.

Special thanks to

Going Under the Knife

Hi (again) to all faithful readers of my humble little blog... haha. Okay, I am done with the final touch-up to the layout of the site. I hope you are satisfied as I am :P Pls leave your thoughts on the tag board ok?

For those who are not from my army unit (medical classification centre), I am actually on 6 weeks Medical Leave, post-surgery recovery for my left eye. That explains why I started this blog - cos it's certainly a time killer! I am bored to tears! ha... my eye looks much "straighter" now, so I don't think the word "squint" would be used together with "Joel" for a while from now (at least that's what my goofy but friendly surgeon said).

Well, being the avid science student you know I am, let me explain what happened to me. I have a condition known as congenital esotropia. That means I am born with my left eye globe misaligned, deviated inwards (see picture below). How does this arise? The muscle (there are 6 pairs of them around each eye globe if I haven't mistaken) on the inner side of the left eye is pulling the eye globe too far inwards. So docs at SNEC (Singapore National Eye Centre) recommended a Squint Surgery.

27th SEP was the day. On arrival, I was put through pre-op assessment where blood pressure and other readings were taken. The nurses helped change me into a blue colored clean gown and disposal underwear before I was brought to the operating theatre (OT, they call it) wearing slippers provided. The place was freezing and immaculately clean, with trailing smell of antiseptic. They put me on a bed in the middle of an array of medical equipments (looks somewhat similar to those in the show ER). The nurses hooked me up to all sorts of equipments, to monitor pulse rate, BP, and thankfully, a heating mat around my thighs to keep me warm. When everything was done, my surgeon arrived in surgical outfit. She tapped me on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement - I had so much adrenaline then that my pulse was racing at approximately 105/min!

We waited for briefly before the anaesthetist arrived. He introduced himself as Dr Yong. Shortly after his arrival, he started getting into his work. This room was completely silent except for the beeping of the pulse meter. Dr Yong inserted an Intravenous (IV) Catheter into a vein on the left forearm (ouch!), through which he infused a colorless liquid. He started asking me a series questions which I had greater difficulty in answering as I grew drowsier by the seconds. The last line I heard him saying was "I am a Mindef reserve MO...", before I slipped into a world of oblivion.

I woke up with a spiking pain in my bandaged left eye and a horrible stench of chemical in my respiratory tract. I felt really nauseous and weak. Shortly after I gained consciousness, I felt a tap on my shoulder and Dr Yong came into view. He gave me his well wishes and left soon after. The nurses then wheeled me into the recuperative ward where I could recover from the anesthesia before the second part of the surgery. The after-effects of the anesthesia actually caused me to throw out twice before I was wheeled up to Dr Chia's room to do the fine adjustments before the stitches were tied. The whole process was swift and painless (I was on localised anesthesia) as I cooperated with Dr Chia. At the end of the process, I was given instructions on post-operative eye care and told to rest well, without strenuous activities for 6 weeks.

The few days following the operation were harder to get by due to the pain, and bloody discharges from the eye. The operated eye was sensitive to bright lights and painful with too much movement, so I had no choice but to stay in bed.

2 weeks down, I've regained my normal eye functions except with the remaining redness which is expected to fade 1 month after the operation.

First Post...

Hi everyone. This is really my virgin attempt in blogging after long contemplation to make one. Think it looks kinda dull at the moment, but will come up with more posts after more foundation works are laid! Cheers!