Because of Love...

Isaiah 53:3-5
He is despised and rejected by men, a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.

Against the Light

The long awaited 8th album from Singapore's most successful music export finally hits the shelves! Her first album with Capitol is named "Against the Light". This album mirrors the success of her 2nd release, My Desired Happiness - taking us on her musical story which begins and ends with instrumental pieces. But unlike the 2nd, her latest work reveals a hint nostalgia and a bitter after taste of fallen love. These are reflected a series of tears jerking ballads "我怀念的", "需要你". The only punctuation to these sad tunes, are 2 upbeat numbers that are alittle playful: "咕叽咕叽" and "爱情的花样". Being a ballad lover, this album deserves a 3.5 stars from me!

just for laughs

I got this from a friend from a chain mail.... really quite lame.

Teacher: History is a very interesting subject. It tells you about what had happened in the past.
Student: Please teacher, I don't think I want to study history.
Teacher: Why?
Student: There is no future in it.

Teacher: Ted, if your father has $10 and you ask him for $6, how much would your father still have?
Ted: $10. Teacher: You don't know maths.
Ted: You don't know my father!

Mother: David, come here.
David: Yes, mum?
Mother: You really disappoint me. Your results are getting worse.
David: But I will only get my report book tomorrow.
Mother: I know that. But I am going to Hong Kong tomorrow, so I am scolding you now.

Father: Why did you fail your mathematics test?
Son: On Monday, teacher said 3+5=8
Father: So? >
Son: On Tuesday, she said 4+4=8. And on Wednesday, she said 6+2=8. If she can't make up her mind, how do I know the right answer?

A mother and son were doing dishes while the father and daughter were watching TV in the living room. Suddenly, there was a loud crash of breaking plates, then complete silence. The daughter turned to look at her father.
Daughter: It's mummy!
Father: How do you know?
Daughter: She didn't say anything.

Girl: Do you love me?
Boy: Yes, Dear.
Girl: Would you die for me?
Boy: No, mine is undying love

Man: How old is your father?
Boy: As old as me
Man: How can that be?
Boy: He became a father only when I was born

Waiter: I've stewed liver, boiled tongue and frog's leg.
Customer: Don't tell me your problems. Give me the menu card.

Teacher: Simon, your composition on "My Dog" is exactly the same as your brother's. Did u copy his?
Simon: No, teacher, it's the same dog!

Father: Your teacher says she finds it impossible to teach you anything!
Son: That's why I say she's no good!

Teacher: "Where were u born?"
Student: " Singapore , Sir."
Teacher: "Which part?"
Student: "All of me, Sir."

A teacher was asking her class: "What is the difference between 'unlawful' and 'illegal'?" Only one hand shot up. "Ok, answer, Joan" said the teacher. "'Unlawful' is when u do something the law doesn't allow and 'illegal' is a sick eagle."

Teacher: "How come you do not comb your hair?"
Ah Kow: "No comb, Sir."
Teacher: "Use your dad's then."
Ah Kow: "No hair, Sir."

A boy came home from school with his exam results. "What did u get?" asked his father. "My marks are under water," said the boy. "What do u mean 'under water'?" "They are all below 'C' level"

Muddied hands

Who has not erred? We are but carnal flesh trapped in a vicious cycle of wrongdoings and mistakes. So, that makes erring our nature, isn't it? What more when we live in a world full of temptations.

As a student, I have always been told, "all failure is a stepping stone towards success." As a tutor/teacher, I remember telling my students not to be afraid of making mistakes, but be daring to learn from them. But do we always apply what we learnt or practise what we preach? I guess not. Because there seem to be easier options around - running away. Who wants to go through the discomfort, pain, embarassment to face a problem in life?
But denial, escapism are very much like the asprins to our daily problems. They don't solve our problems, they merely alleviate our discomfort - at a price. Many find themselves falling into a bottomless pit or sliding down a slippery slope when they put no effort to fight and do what's right.
Maybe we are just lazy to change our habits or rectify a problem. Or we are powerless to control a problem too big. But there's always a way, when we choose to do what's right. It may not be an easy way out, but I know help is already on its way when we choose to fight.
A wise person once said, "it's inevitable to get slimed and dirtied, but it's important that you get yourselves cleaned up."

2 months...after my last entry

2 months of absence in blogsphere may feel like an eternity... yet when I look at life, our life time on earth of 80 years seemed so transient in comparison. To me life is like fireworks, it is so beautiful, it brings smiles to those that see it, yet it fizzles out as soon as it starts.

This what some say about life...

"We cannot truly face life until we face the fact that it will be taken away from us."

"We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them."

"... asks what it’s too late to ask: 'Where is my life? Where is my life? What have I done with my life?' "

"Life is painting a picture, not doing a sum. "

"Growth is the only evidence of life. "

"Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways."

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."

"We are always getting ready to live but never living."

"I've come to give life, and life more abundantly" - Jesus Christ

So....Cherish life, live life!

Joel's musings: Making choices...

We make choices everyday in our lives. Very often, choices are made out of convenience, confidence, instinct, our measured ability to handle an issue, etc. Choices made based on the above mentioned may yield visible benefits in times of iminent crises. But are they the best choices? Do they always bring out the best of our potential?

“Proactiveness is one’s ability and desire to thrive outside their comfort zone in
times of uncertainty and challenge.”

This Year I Will.....

1. Be wiser in my spendings + Save more!
2. Help out more at home.... Less slacking!
3. Get my driver's license.
4. Learn how to cook.
5. Revise relevant A levels work before Uni
6. Train hard!
7. Earn more $$$ !!!

BBQ with colleagues at Shiva's bungalow!

We had a big bbq gathering on 18th Dec at Shiva's place... including our boss and the return of many ORD personnel. All to celebrate our USMS king, Khairi, 21st birthday... It was a fun-filled day with great food from CMPB's very own chefs. Here are some of pictures:

.... all SQUINTING! Chao Geng!

.... nice food, but who's cooking?

... Dr Kumar the COOK and Bahari

...Dr Kurma the CONVICT and Shawn fooling around with Shiva's sharp toys

... Dr Kumar Copperfield conjuring his birthday cat out of thin air

ha! so that's where those ears came from... Shiva's gf's tall!

... I wish I wish

... Damien and me after a few drinks

... hmmm, what are they doing?

Some fotos before we part....