i've been playing quite alot of DOTA (which stands for Defense of The Ancients) lately. haha... some skeptics out there must be thinking - "Joel leh... play alot? alot is how much!" To quantify that, how about 3 hours daily?!
I am quite amazed at myself to have the slightest hint of affection towards computer games, considering that my favourite past time is to nag at my game-holic brothers. It must have been the exposure I am getting recently (or more specifically, during the post-exam break). In a short span of a week, I had to join some of my friends at 2 LAN games... First it was with my Cell Group friends, followed by my army friends... I was really a 'noob' when I played with my army friends... they are really good and guided me alot in the game. One of them happened to be a medical doctor... haha cool right? So, that was the spark that needed get the fire going.
For many, DOTA could be an outdated game (or so I heard). But i guess its main attraction for me was reliance on team-effort vanquish the opposing team... its kinda thrilling.. so if you the itch someday, remember to jio ok! ;)
I am quite amazed at myself to have the slightest hint of affection towards computer games, considering that my favourite past time is to nag at my game-holic brothers. It must have been the exposure I am getting recently (or more specifically, during the post-exam break). In a short span of a week, I had to join some of my friends at 2 LAN games... First it was with my Cell Group friends, followed by my army friends... I was really a 'noob' when I played with my army friends... they are really good and guided me alot in the game. One of them happened to be a medical doctor... haha cool right? So, that was the spark that needed get the fire going.
For many, DOTA could be an outdated game (or so I heard). But i guess its main attraction for me was reliance on team-effort vanquish the opposing team... its kinda thrilling.. so if you the itch someday, remember to jio ok! ;)